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Chapter - 7

Chapter 7: ....Errr

I walked the rest off the way down the stairs and into the kitchen and there Kyle was surrounded by empty beer and vodka cans and he was passed out sitting at the counter so i walked over to him and gently nudges him and he made some groaning noises so i nudged him a bit harder and he lifted his head and he had bags under his eyes.

"What the hell Kyle why would you do this to yourself"

"You dont love me" I looked at him suprised where would he get that idear from.

"Kyle you know i love you were would you get that idear from"

"You didnt say i love you back to me yesterday and you always pull away from me when were hugging or im kissing you its obvious you dont so tell me we can go are sepreate ways no hard feelings but know this i will always love you and if you find someone else i will let you go and youll never see me or my friends again i will leave you alone to get along with your life" I looked at Kyle in pure shock and tears in my eyes.

"Y-you think i d-dont l-love you K-Kyle i d-do but i-"

"I knew it you dont love me i will let you stay here until this is all over bye Tasha i will leave you alone"


I walked of and whent up to my room and Zack,Lucas and Brody were all waiting outside my room and they all came and hugged me as they saw my tear stained face.

"H-he thinks i d-dont l-love him i t-think w-were over b-but he w-was drunk" They all looked angry but i blocked them out as the door bell rang so i walked to the door and it was Courtney and Emily and i was suprised to see my cousin Charlotte who knew everything about Kyle and when they saw me crying they all ran to me and i sobbed into each one of them.

1hour later.

After an hour i had calmed down and we had all catched up and Lucas,Zack and Brody had joined us and they seemed to be getting along like a house on fire and i think they had found there mates it ws Emily+Lucas and Courtney+Zack and Charlotte+Brody.

I had let them have there time together and i went back to the kitchen and Kyle was there with his head in his hands and a cup of tea on the side and he looked up at me with a face of shame and apoligey but i just looked away and went to sit on the sofa and then after a couple of minutes i felt the sofa dip but i didnt look his way.

"Im sorry Tasha im so so sorry i know i made a mistake and weve been throught them alot and we havent known each other that long but i really do love you and if you dont i mean the things that i said i will let you go just let me get this over with"

"I really dont know what to do i wish that that vampire would come and kill me so i wouldnt have to think and you would have a better mate who loves you and who wont fight and break up with you but im sorry you had me i really wish that could change but i know it cant and i will always be sorry for that but this next thing im going to say you have probaly heard from my mouth a lot of times but i need to think and i know this relationship is like a cheesy up and down relationship but my mind is so fucked up right now and i wish i could change myself to be perfect and like you but im not and i will never be and i wish i could change it i really really do"

"Ok then"

I looked up at Kyle and he looked like he was trying to hold his tears in so i stood up and went over to him and kissed him on the lips with tears running out of my eyes. 

"What ever happens whlle were here i will always love you" I whisperesd to kyle then i backed away and didnt look back as i walked to the kitchen to make some brunch as i missed breakfast and it has gone past lunch.

2days Later

Me and Kyle have not talked since last time on the sofa and i have not been out of my room since and well the plan we have not had any un expected visits form vampire guy and Charlotte,Emily and Courtney have been with the guys excluding Kyle has i have no clue what he has been doing these past few days.

Eveyone has been worried about me as i have not been eating properly and i have not been talking to anybody exept the little odd lines to people.

It was 12:30 and i couldnt sleep i was tossing and turning i really missed Kyle so i decided to go search around to see were he has been staying as he has not been staying im our room well its my room now.

i walked out of my room and walked down the hall to the last bedroom as i know none of the guys or my friends were staying in this room so i walked in and Kyle was there tossing and turning just like i was and mumbling and he looked like he was sweating he had a fever.

I walked over to the bed and nudged Kyle and he shot up with sweat all over him so i touched his forhead and it was beyond hot.

"Kyle im sorry im so so sorry i love you and i cant live without you ever it feels like my heart is breaking and i cant eat im so-"

Before i could finish my sentence Kyle had already put his lips to mine to silence me and i egearly kissed him back then i pulled away as i rembered he had a fever and i was out of breath.

"You have a fever"

He looked at me and shook his head.

"No when a mate isnt around his mate for so long he starts to like catch a fever and he feels sick all the time knowing he has done something wrong until his mate comes back it will only get worse"

I looked at Kyle and kissed him and it was slow and passinote and boy did it last long lol and ten i pulled away and lied down with Kyles back agaisnt my back and his hands around my waist.

"I love you so so much Kyle"

"I love you to and you dont know how much i do" Those were the last words i heard before i fell into unconsinouse.

When i woke up i was in Kyles arms snuggled up together.

"Hey wake up sleepy" I nudged Kyle awake and he wasnt waking up hmmm lets have a little fun with this shall we then.I silently sneaked out of the room and put my piller where i was and Kyle snuggled into it.

I went down the stairs and everybody was there so i made a motion with my hands to be quiet and went over to the sink and got a cup of water and went back up the stairs and i thought the guys had picked up on what i was going to do as they all had sligh smirks on there faces.I walked back up to mine and Kyles room and went over to a safe distance from the bed and chucked the hole lot of freezing cold water over him and he immediatley sprunk up and looked around until his eyes fell upon me so i dropped the cup and made a bolt for the door down the hallway and took 2 at a time down the stairs and out of the back door and then i had noticed that there was a swimming pool so i dived in and swam to the bottom hoping that Kyle wouldnt suspect that i was hiding in here.I was waiting a bout 5 minutes and i was running out of breath but i could vaguely see a outline of a body and though it was Kyles but why would he not jump in i thought.I soon started to feel numb and i tried to swim up to the top but it was like there was a force filed there that made me not float to the surface so i started waving my arms around and i had only a limited amount of oxeygn going into my lungs and it felt like they were burning so i let go of it all and the last thing i heard before going completly into darkness was the words 'Let the games begin'.

Kyles Pov

I have been trying to fing Tasha for a good five minutes and i had no look i had looked in all the rooms and i was currently in the kitchen so i asked the guys and they said that she went out back so iwent to the back doors and opened them and there he was with a smirk plastered on his face looking into the water and when i stepped onto the hard marble floor he turned to look at me and the smirk on his face grew and then he was gone so i raced to the edge of the pool and there Tasha was her still body lying on the pools ground so i dived in ans swam to the bottom and grabbed Tasha and swam back to the top of the pool and jumped out with Tasha in my arms.

"Guys i need some help out here" After that all the guys rushed out and the girls behind him and when they saw Tasha body they all picked up there pace and sat down beside her while i was checking to see if she still had a pulse and she did thank god.

"Shes just out but it was lucky any more time and she would have been a goner" Lucas said as he was the most brainiest out of all of us and he was currently training to be a doctor but he has put that on hold for a while.
Tashas Pov.

When i woke up i looked around and i was in the guest room and i though it was beacuse i had thrown water over Kyle and i was thinking how i got here as i dont rember anything from when i was running away from Kyle and it all went black then so i jumped up out of the bed but i think i did to fast as i went straight back down so this time i stood up slowly and i had a bit of headache as i had fully stood up so i grabbed one of the post and stood there until i got my balance back and when i did i walked slowly to the door and opened it and i went down the hall way and slowly down the stairs as i still had a bit of a headache so i took the banister and took one step at a time and when i reached the bottom step everyone was sat on the sofa and the guys and girls were sitting on each others laps and then Kyle was sitting on the edge of the sofa with his head in his hands so i walked up behing all of them and shouted boo and all of them literally jumped out of there skin and i was on the floor laughing my head of with a banging head ache its not good.Once i had soberded up and stopped laughing i found the courage to talk with laughing.

"Hey guys ermm why do you all look so grim" I asked with my hands folded over my chest and looking at each one of them with my eyebrows raised and as i went to everyone of them they all put bright smiles on there faces and when my eyes landed on Kyle he gave the biggest smile of them all.

"Why are you all looking at me like cheshire cats stop it its freaky you dont want your faces to get stuck like that now do we hey yeah thats what i though" I was trying to not laugh threw that sentnce but i failed as i went into a laughing mode again and i went up to Kyle grabbed his hand and led him out of the house to the back garden and when i got out there it was like i was having a flashback as i saw that freaky eyed vampire guy and he was standing over the swimming pool with a smirk plastered on his face and then Kyle came bursting threw the door and the vampire guy turned around and gave one last smirk and dissapered and then Kyle ran to the edge of the pool and dived in and when he came back i gasped as i saw he was holding someone in his arms and as the memory went on i found that it was me and that when it all disspared and i was back in reality with Kyle shouting my name and then i just snapped out of it and looked at him in disbelife.

"What happended i remember you saved me and i couldnt get to the surface and h-he said the games are going to start and i remember just going and it h-hurt so much Kyle then i p-passed out and i woke up in the r-room" At this point Kyle had pulled me into a hug and he had a pained expression on his face and i was sobbing into his chest while he held me in his arms and i felt safe that i could stay there forever there wouldnt be a care in the world but i knew that that wasnt reality and things couldnt be like that.

"Im sorry i should have been with you this is getting out of hand and i dont know what your plan is but you will have to get on it and i will help you we will be in this together always and if you want to know you were out for 2 days" I relly wasnt paying attention until i heard that i was out for 2 HOLE DAYS i was suprised wow now i had only noticed when my tummy grumbled that i was indeed hungry so i looked up at Kyle and gave him a pouty look and he shook his head so i reached up on my tip toes and kissed him on the lips and gave him the puppy dog eyes again and he sighed and shook his head again so i smiled and pulled him in for another kiss then i grabbed his hands and pulled him back into the living room kissed him on the cheeck grabbed Courtney,Charlotte and Emilys hands and dragged them up the stairs and when i looked behing me all 4 boys were slumped on the sofa with pouty looks so i smiled and blew Kyle a kiss then made my way dragging the girls upstairs and into mine and Kyles room wich had had the sheets changed thank god.

"KYLE MAKE ME A SANDWICH PWEASE" I shouted as i was about to close the door and i turned around and signaled all the girls to sit on the bed and they did so i joined them.

"Well i asked you all for your help as i knew the boys have told you what they are and what the problem is and i know some of us have been having some problems since i have met Kyle and im sorry but i love him and would do anything for him so hey lets move on courtney your a witch so i need you to put a protection spell on all of us if you would and then i can start my plan so nobody dies" I looked at Courtney and she nodded so i told the other girls that me and Courtney needed to talk and they nodded and i gave them both hugs and then they left and Courtney started putting the spell on each of us and when she had finished we had a few minutes of akward silence so i started talking first.

"Thankyou for doing that and i know we have had are fair share of arguments over the past few weeks since i met Kyle and i dont know who to belive and after this is all blown over i will find out and i dont want us to not be friends you and the girls are like the sisters i never had and i dont want to loose you ever" Courtney walked over to me and hugged me and we botth started talking like we used to and Kyle brought up my food finally and with a kiss he left and Courtney magiced herself some food and we talked about how it was like being a witch and we didnt realize the time until we both yawned and i looked over at the clock it said 10:30.

"Its getting late you best get some sleep we can hang out in the morning as we can go shopping together and im not letting the boys stop us its not like we cant die" I said bye to courtney and Kyle came back just as she left so i went to my bags and got out some pjs and changed and Kyle was already in bed so i joined him and snuggled up to him.

"Courtney put a protection spell on all of us including you so we cant die and my plan is going to go into action in 2 days and we are going shopping tommorow and you cant stop us so bleh deal with it and how many days has it been since we have been here" I looked at Kyle and he nodded and i squeled and the next thing he said made me panick.

"We have been here nearly 2 weeks why w-" I didnt even let him finish his sentence as i was out of the bes in a falsh and i rushed to find my phone in the drawers and when i found it it had 9 messages from my mum and dad asking were i am as they had arrived early and 20 missed calls so i looked at the clock and it said 11:00 and i thought they might be upso i tried ringing my mum and she picked up on the 2nd ring.


Me: "Mum im okay im at Courtneys with Charlotte and Emily were going camping for a bit in a cabin its really nice i thought i left you a message and i have to go mum i love you"

Mum: "Tasha wait i-" I put the phone down before she could say anymore and turned my phone of and crawled back into bed with a concered Kyle and i just rolled back to the end of the bed away from Kyle but he pulled me to him and i went to sleep again in his arms.


I woke up with my head resting on Kyles chest so i looked up and pecked him on the nose but that wasnt enough for him as he pulled me back and kissed me on the lips this time and i pulled away when i was out of breath and turned my head to see it was already 7 so i hopped out of bed got some clothes and changed then straightend my hair and applied some make up in the bqthroom window and walked back into the room where Kyle was fully dressed and i went over to him and lead him down the stairs were the guys and girls were already dressed and waiting.

"Okay Kyle i need your car and satnav and it has to be fast thankyou" I walked over to Kyle and he produced a set of keys to a bugatti veyron and i squelead as i love fast cars.

"Lets go and if you want to come with us get a car and follow us and i love you"

"I love you to and well follow behind you ok" Kyle said with a stern look on his that said 'were coming if you like it or not' look and i nodded to him and me and the girl went ouside and jumped into the car parked right infront of the garage.

I put the place in the satnav as Kyle had told me the nearest mall and i jumped into the drivers seat with Courtney in the passenger side and Emily and Charlotte in the back and i saw the boys jumping into another car with Kyle in the front so i looked back at him and smirked and mimed to im 'game on'
